2024: A Year in Review
Working Dogs Hercules Mercy and Hercules Mercy and Moolow Hercules Hercules Hercules Hercules Hercules Hercules Hercules Hercules Mercy Mercy Mercy Mercy Mercy Maverick Raven Gryffindor Severine and Zeus Daisy Daisy and Tessa Tessa…
The Shedding Truth
Anatolian Shepherd Dogs shed, whether they are working outdoors 24/7 or living with you in your home. You can expect to be cleaning up clouds of undercoat and guard hair at least once,…
Demir x Xena 2024 Litter
Xena blessed us with 4 beautiful little puppies on November 27th, 2024. Two males and two females, this smaller litter is thriving and getting plenty of food! Rowan, Male, Brindle Black Mask Forrest,…
SportDog Invisible Fence
We have gotten a lot of questions about our fencing and how we keep our dogs contained. We have 47″ tall woven wire steel field fence that makes up our pens. The fence…
Shazam x Jyn Litter Announcement
Celebration! Today we celebrate a few firsts here at Apex Anatolians! Our first successful AI (artificial insemination, not intelligence) litter, first cesarean section, and first mini litter (2 pups) all happened today! Gratitude…
The Turkish Shepherd Dogs in America – a Brief Timeline
There is a long-standing debate between the owners of various Turkish Shepherd dogs in the United States and beyond. Varying opinions on which breed is “real,” “original,” or “recognized.” Some owners believe theirs…
The Grizzly and the New York Times
The Grizzly Bear What a Fall it has been… In the first week of August, we had a new experience! A young grizzly bear (no, not a cinnamon black bear) found his way…
The Bond: Shepherd and Shepherd’s Dog
As you research the literature, limited studies, and first-hand accounts of livestock guardian dog use in North America, you may notice a chasm forming between 2 primary LGD camps: Hands-Off and Hands-On. I…
Ares x Severine Anatolian Shepherd Puppies
This is the Litter post for Ares and Severine‘s Anatolian Shepherd Puppies whelped July 18, 2022. It will be updated as the pups reach milestones, and our families on the deposit list have…
The A Litter
We welcomed the A Litter on December 24, 2021! Apex 1 – Green Collar Female The first female is the largest of the litter. She is a traditional fawn with minimal…