NEW STUDY: LGDs Deter Grizzly Bears

There is a new multi-year study regarding how livestock guardian dogs deter grizzly bears in Montana. Two of our puppies were placed with a family in this recent LGD study by Utah State University and the Montana, Fish Wildlife and Parks. We are honored to have our dogs participating in active research regarding predator management in our area.
The Study found that livestock guardian dogs (Anatolian Shepherd Dogs and Kangal Dogs used in this study) are effective deterrents of grizzly bears in areas of previous conflict. Conducted on the Eastern front of the Rockies here in Montana, this study measured many factors about the participating livestock guardian dogs, including how they patrolled and established territory around homes and grain storage.
From Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks:
This multi-year case study, led by FWP’s bear specialist Wesley Sarmento and Julie K. Young, associate professor at Utah State University, reveals the significant role LGDs can play in coexisting with recovering populations of apex predators.
“.. our experiment shows that an ancient human technique is effective and increasingly relevant in modern society with recovering carnivore populations. … As carnivore populations declined, so did these ancient practices. Now rewilding is requiring relearning these often-forgotten techniques, but before now, to our knowledge, no scientific tests have been conducted on the efficacy of LGDs for protecting farmsteads. LGDs are one more tool in the toolbox to help keep people safe while coexisting with recovering populations of apex predators.”
Highlights from the study:
• 87% reduction in bear GPS collar locations near homes after placement of LGD
• 58-fold fewer camera detection of bears near homes with LGD compared to those without LGD
• Ag Producers had positive experiences with LGD, considered them effective, and would recommend them.