Apex Puppies
Oh, the places you'll go!
Catching up with the puppies we have bred...
Apex SS Keeper of the Keys "Hagrid"
Hagrid is two years old now. He lives with a local family and protects their poultry and children. He is very athletic and dedicated to his job.
Hagrid has been approved as a Stud dog here after his health testing results came back! Please check out his page for more details.
Apex A.X Goddess Of War And Wisdom "Athena"
Athena lives in New York with her super awesome, active family and older brother Akita. They spend lots of time hiking and swimming at local parks and beaches.
A few messages from her owner:
“Gdevening!!! Just a Reminder!!! My Athena is Love of My Life!!! So Sweet ,So Smart ,So Tough!!! So Precious!!! ❤️ Thank You!!!”
“Athena says Hello And Thank for For Picking Her For Us!”
Thanks, Ralph! We are happy she has you.
Apex A.X 10 Points To Gryffindor "Gryffindor"
Gryffindor lives in Arizona and works at a wild burro rescue, building trust with the rescued equines and keeping coyotes and other critters away.
” This Anatolian Shepherd has been such a blessing, watching him do what he was naturally meant to do. He guards his animals, children, and home from mountain lions, bear, javelina, and coyotes. We live in a heavy predator area and he takes his job seriously. He loves his people and his farm animals fiercely ❤️”
Follow Gryffindor and his friends on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hope_thewildburroplace
Apex A.J Legendary Demi-Dog "Hercules"
Hercules is still a puppy, but he has shown us many positive qualities in his relatively short life. Above, Herc’s win photo from the ASDCA Regional Specialty we attended in Valley Center, CA April 6, 2024. Judge Laura Edstrom-Smith from Carpe Diem Anatolians in Florida awarded Hercules “Best Puppy in Sweepstakes” over his sister Apex A.J Calypso “Cali” and some very nice puppies from other breeders, as well! We were surprised and honored to receive this award.
While he performed admirably at his first show in April, Hercules is usually playing with his packmates or napping with his stock.
Apex A.J Ravenclaw "Raven"
Raven lives in a nearby valley here in Montana. She has a herd of goats to protect and is enjoying her Montana life!
“Raven is doing AMAZING at her job, zero issues. And not that she’s really supposed to herd the goats, but during the first thunderstorm we had this spring, she stampeded the goats into their shelter from the other end of the pasture and the did a full sprint around the perimeter on her own and back to the shelter where she stood guard out front. It was really cool to see.
She’s good with people, but still alerts me to anyone else’s presence, she does not bark excessively, she is tolerant of the dogs she’s supposed to be tolerant of, and she’s great with the goats and they fully trust her. Honestly everything I was looking for. I’m very, very happy with her. So thank you again.”
You’re so welcome Kelly! Thank you for the updates.
Apex A.D Hurin
“Hurin just chased off a 250lb black bear on our road at 9 months old. Bear turned to stand his ground but booked it when Hurin started barking at him. Ran right back to us after making sure the bear was gone. Such an incredible dog!!!”
Good boy, Hurin! Thank you for the update, Shannon 😊
Apex A.D Finn "Maverick"
“Mav is incredible! He continues to be diligent about barking predators right out of the sky and the trees. He’s gone up against two different bears and turned them right around on their hind legs and sent them running!!! One was a black bear and another was a large brown bear.
Honestly, he’s doing so great! He’s such a love bug! He loves his humans! He’s never tried to put a chicken in his mouth, never chased a chicken. He’s such an amazing addition to our family.”
Thank you Renee for the update!
CH Apex S.J Sol Invictus at Karaboudjan "Shamz"
Shamz is out of Sunny Lee’s Kestrel Dawn at Apex “Jyn,” by GCHS Karaboudjan’s Mystic Moonspell “Shazam.” He lives in Southern California with my mentor and Shazam’s breeder/owner. Shams just attended his first dog show as a 4-6 month old puppy entry, and he even won Best Puppy in Show on June 15, 2024! We are very excited for this boy and look forward to seeing him mature.
Shamz earned his AKC Championship title at 8 months old!
Apex S.J Just The Bare Necessities "Baloo"
Baloo is out of Sunny Lee’s Kestrel Dawn at Apex “Jyn,” by GCHS Karaboudjan’s Mystic Moonspell “Shazam.” He lives in Southern California with the Theriogenologist Veterinarian who helped create him!
Baloo lives on an acre protecting a couple pet spaniels and a human toddler! We are so excited to watch him grow.